EZ-Connector trailer plug Do your Trailer Lights Work? Trailer Electronic Plug Technology for Safer, Easier Connection Do your Trailer Lights Work, Brakes?, “they did when I left the house officer.” If They Don’t, First Thing You Check is the Connection, Right? “Winter’s coming and so is Magnesium Chloride, you know what that does to Trailer Wiring” review by: H. Kent Sundling EZ – Connector http://ezconnector.com/  Do your Trailer Lights Work, EZ-Connector trailer plug: closeup New features with EZ-Connector; they’ve always come with dummy plugs to keep the connector ends clean and give you somewhere to store your trailer plug. Well now the female end comes with a self-closing door instead of a dummy plug and the storage end for the male plug has a self-closing door. The truck end (female plug) door has an over size O-ring to keep the connector pins clean. It also has metal embedded in the door for the earth magnet to draw the door closed for a better seal. The powerful earth magnet in the center of the plug is the magic that keeps the trailer connection tight. Now the magnet is covered with a rubber membrane. EZ-Connector trailer plug Do your Trailer Lights Work? |  |  |  |  |  | The trailer plug in the storage dummy door… | …keeps your trailer plug clean and dry | The female plug now has a self-closing door… | ….the door is spring loaded and the magnet pulls the door in tight when not if use | Connected to the trailer plug, the powerful earth magnet in the middle is what keeps the trailer plug connected tight, trouble free and working | EZ CONNECTOR UNVEILS TWO NEW ADAPTERS Leading Trailer Manufacturer Brings 4-Pin Flat and 6-Pin Round Adapters to Market for Use with its EZ Recreational 7-Pin (EZR7) Electrical Towing Connection System EZ Connector Inc., developer and manufacturer of high-performance products for improving the safety and reliability of electrical trailer and towing connections, today unveiled two new adapters for its award-winning EZ Recreational 7-Pin (EZR7) electrical towing connection system. The adapters, which include a 4-pin flat and 6-pin round version will… More…. |  Picture above is what I tour the country with going to horse expo’s. All my trailers have EZ-Connector, and my trailers go through blizzards, black ice and torrential rains 25-30k a year. EZ-Connector trailer plug Do your Trailer Lights Work? |    What is your #1 problem when towing? The majority of folks I ask that question say, trailer wiring, not sure if lights or brakes are working. If you have to wiggle your trailer plug it get the lights to work, you know there’s a problem. If you hit a bump or drive in the rain, you may not have taillights, blinkers or even trailer brakes. New to towing you may not relate how wonderful the EZ Connector is. If you are a veteran trailer dude or dudette and spent time with that little screw driver redoing your trailer plugs after they pulled apart or using your knife to scrape the crap (corrosion) off the trailer plug blades and of course using the straight edge screw driver to bend the blades so they will connect to the male plug, you’ll relate to a better way. Trailer brakes in general need monitoring and maintenance more than any other part of your trailer for safety reasons. EZ-Connector will make the wire connection issue one thing less to worry about (when brake lights and blinkers aren’t working and you don’t know it.) Those of us that tow trailers every week, know how many times we drop the coupler on the ball and plug in the wire connection (and wiggle the connection for contact.) And what we used to do (picture right) to make the lights work (bungee cord and duck tape.) EZ-Connector trailer plug Do your Trailer Lights Work? EZ is a powerful earth magnet connection, with a face to face brass spring loaded contact, eliminating voltage drop instead of a friction blade contact of the RV 7 pin plug. Just get the male end near the female plug and “pop” it sucks together. A tab slot align the socket and plug to match the right connections. The male end has two silicone o-rings, the cables have water absorbing wadding inside in the middle and above the wires, all to make the system water proof. Similar to underground telephone cable, if water gets in a hole, the wadding swells up to block the water. If you can keep the water out, you can keep the mud and all the corrosive chemicals used to dissolve ice on the highway out. http://ezconnector.com/ I’ve had trailers along time. Spent my share of nights with a flashlight in my mouth in the rain as I work on trailer lights. Fuel injection and electronics make our trucks more trouble free, now trailer wiring and electronics make tracing trailer wire problems a breeze. This is an ideal electrical connection for snow plows and farm machinery. I remember my big round balers and the guidance electrical system wiring exposed to all the dust and corn planters have sophisticated monitors that all could use a weatherproof electronic connection. Because the EZ Connector is magnetic, it’s a no brainer to understand that the system will breakaway if your trailer cable gets tangled or you forget to unplug it when unhooking your trailer. Right top picture shows the dummy plugs to keep dirt and water out of the EZ-Connector when you aren’t using them. This is quality all the way. When you first look at EZ you’ll be impressed that it’s made to last with trouble-free function. And made in the USA with a Lifetime Warranty.  | www.EzConnector.com interview at SEMA 2011, waterproof trailer connection, oil rings and cord keep the dirt and water out, earth magnetic holds the connection together tight. | EZConnector.com | |  Picture left, inside of the plug is done right, you can see the crimped connectors, silicon O-rings and the indention for the cord O-ring. Picture right, the cord O-ring seals the plug. The cord has a wadding in the center that absorbs water so water can’t follow the wires into the plug. On other plugs you don’t see where the water comes into the plug through the cord and rots the inside of a typical plug. | According to Joe Cardoza (the big cheese at EZ) inside the truck socket, the cable is crimped three times. It is also reinforced with a stainless steel hog-ring on the inside to take any strain. Every unit is 100% tested, not a sample testing as is common in the electronic industry. With the T-connector I used for a factory tow package, it only took 15 minutes to install on my truck. EZ-Connector also has a hard-wired version if you don’t have a factory tow package on your truck or SUV. Bottom line, yes it’s expensive, but you buy more expensive aluminum trailers for a reason. Quality is never cheap, being a farmer for decades means I’m naturally frugal. But I’d have no problem shelling out over $100 for this trailer wiring system. Piece of mind and safety have value. For more: http://ezconnector.com/  |  |  |  |  | Nice box | The cables, dummy plugs, wire connectors, heat shrink wrap and mounting bracket | Quick T-plug for factory truck tow harness. A sealant is injected into the wire harness | Seven floating spring-loaded pins in the socket, with powerful magnet in the middle. Trailer plug has fixed pins | Comes with butt connectors and heat shrink tubes for sealing the individual trailer wire connections and the whole wire harness | I tow dozens of new trailers each year for reviews and have adaptors for 7 blade to 6 pin and 7 RV blade to 4 pin. Semi truck connections will be out latter. http://ezconnector.com/ |  |  |  |  |  | I mounted the socket under my old style RV 7 blade. I want to long term test the EZ in the road chemicals and sand that my truck tows trailers in | You can see the triangle I had to cut out for the Ford factory connection in the socket | EZ Connector just snaps into the factory wire loom connections, part of the factory tow option | I bolted the bracket to my factory socket bracket on the receiver hitch frame | You can see the back side of the EZ socket, 4 screws and sealed, just says “quality” |  |  |  |  |  | Don’t do this at home. I need to use my old plug so I wired the new one into my old cable | Rubber tape makes covering the wire connection easier | When EZ-Connector comes out with the plug adaptors, I’ll do this right and get rid of my old socket….. | and use the butt connectors and heat shrink tubes that come in the EZ box | Now I have two trailer cables, and three trailer sockets on my truck, but I test things, it’s ok | EZ-Connector trailer plug Do your Trailer Lights Work? News Just out: EZ-Connector 7 pin RV plug adaptor, so now you can use EZ-Connector on all your trailers and tow vehicles. You can buy a plug or socket to use your old wiring system until you switch all your trailers and trucks over to the “Last Trailer Plug You’ll Ever Buy.” The EZR7 is backward-compatible male and female adapter with a tighter fit and tolerance than conventional 7-blade connector. Go to http://ezconnector.com/ or call (559) 686-5889 to order. | recommends EZ-Connector |