Express Corral, More Room, Easy Setup System Stores in a Box not a Stall  Up in fifteen minutes, down in 10. It’s a nice kit that comes in a diamond deck plate aluminum storage box. 6 inches wide, 14 inches tall, 4′ long will fit on running boards, fenders without drop down windows, or put it in your trailer or truck. You can use the aluminum storage box on the ground to power the electric corral. Very portable, you could use it to selective graze, night corral on pasture and fence off trees and hay stacks when you’re not using it with your trailer to camp on trail rides. 90 ft. of electrical tape with a 10 ft gate makes a large pen. You can hook several Express Corrals together to camp with lots of horses separate or together. The 10 posts that come with the kit are insulated with multiple clip heights so you can use it with full size horses to mini’s. Express Corral is manufactured by Todd Maley, yes he and his family have horses and trail ride. This is his solution to his portable corral problems and yours. Express Corral – portable horse corrals. ph. 715-551-0953   Express Corral will fit anywhere, on the side of your trailer, stand alone etc. Most folks use them on the side of their trailers so horses can access hay bags and water buckets tied to the horse ties on their trailers. Trailers make nice windbreaks too. If you shape the corral more like a V, the horses will tend to stand away from the trailer. I like to use them around the end of my trailer. I live in Colorado with our occasional hail and lightning. So by having the corral around the end of my trailer, I can get horses inside the trailer in a hailstorm or thunderstorm with lightning strikes. Inside a truck and trailer on rubber tires is safer that standing on the ground. Also on the side of a trailer you have tire valve stems, clearance lights, fenders, all the toys horses like to eat and paw if you corral them too small on the side. That’s the point, with Express Corral it’s large enough to relax your horses, they deserve to unwind after a long day of trail riding or barrel racing. As shown in the pictures above, the aluminum storage box will fit 8, 6 and 4 inch running boards. They will fit up to a 7’8″ wide horse trailer. They can be bolted permanently to your trailer or with optional brackets, taken off quickly. The shock tape spool can mount to your trailer or the aluminum storage box.  The charger uses 4 D batteries that will last longer than a month or you can use 6volt or 12volt batteries like from your trailer battery. On a bumper pull trailer, you can bolt the Express Corral storage box to the trailer tongue. The wide shock tape is easy to see. |  The reel is anchored to your trailer, and so is the first post. The aluminum storage box is shown here on the ground close enough to the corral for the jumper wire to reach the shock tape. When using the storage box on the ground, the spool mounts to the box. |  Nice diamond deck aluminum box, looks like it came with the trailer. You can bolt the box to your trailer or use optional brackets for quick attach. The storage box is only 6 inches wide which fits most running boards on a trailer. You can mount the box on top of the fenders, if you don’t have drop down windows or on the ground near the corral. Use it with or without trailer. Nice to have the corral tucked away when you travel. Makes Express Corral go up and down faster. Install video comes with it. |  |  |  |  | Anchor for the first post | Steel rod in the bottom of the posts | Push leg to stand on post | Drive the aluminum corner rods in the ground |  |  |  |  | Corner brace is easy to tighten | Run the tape around the corner posts and tighten braces and add middle posts | Gate bracket | Extra clip for adding more corrals or gates |  You could take a whole herd of miniature horses with you.  |  |  |  | The spring loaded gate helps keep the corral tight | Gate has insulation handle on each end | Big gate, makes training horses to electric fence easy | The posts have multiple brackets for adjusting the shock tape height |  |  |  |  | The electric fencer bolts to box with brass wing nut and Velcro | Fencer, posts, spool and all, fit the box | 4 D batteries fit in the fencer | High-low-off switch on fencer and posts for external batteries | Aluminum diamond deck tool box with piano hinge. Nice box for the whole kit. Six inches wide, will fit on my horse trailer running boards or fenders. Will also ground itself on the trailer and when the box is on the ground. Each Kit Includes: 1 – Aluminum Storage Box 1 – Electric Fencer with Jump Wire 1 – Spool w/90′ Fence and Attachment Bracket 10 – Fence Posts 1 – Expandable Spring Gate w/Handle 4 – Aluminum Corner Stake 5 – Corner Tie Strap (4 long, 1 short) 1 – Fence Tape Clamp 1 – Trailer Gate Bracket 1 – Corner Tie Strap Hook 1 – Gate Clip 17 – #8 Screws Extra parts and corrals are available. Quick attach storage box brackets are available. One year warranty. | ph. 715-551-0953 |