Liquid Ceramic Insulated Coating for your Trailer and Barn, Keep it Cool and Quiet review by: H. Kent Sundling |  | Imagine you’re a horse, it’s August, you’re in a metal trailer, it’s hot, you’re hot, sweaty and to top it all off your head is next to the hottest part of the trailer. It’s so hot the roof is popping as it expands from the heat, keeping you worried and on edge. The whole trailer radiates with heat like a pressure cooker. All you want to do is throw yourself to the floor and Colic. Of course your owner is in the truck with the AC on all the way, listening to a Taylor Swift CD and slurping on a Big Gulp.Now, think about the trailer being 20 to 30 degrees cooler, the roof isn’t popping like a loose tarp in a windstorm and there’s no condensation dripping on your nose. Ceramic cool horse trailer roof. | Temp-Coat® liquid ceramic insulation can make as much as 30 degrees difference inside your trailer. Our testing was in May, averaging 20 to 25 degrees most of the time. Imagine what July and August would be like? That’s the difference between needing Air Conditioning and not, and not needing a generator to mostly run the AC. Dry camping could last longer. Temp-Coat is a green product, cool to the touch. Same benefit for your barn or shop. This is cutting edge trailer, building and barn insulation technology. Brian Jaeger, President of Innovative Green Solutions applied Temp-Coat on my aluminum roofed enclosed horse trailer. We split the roof in half with the front half above my dressing room and the second half above the horse stalls. We attached 2 wire probes outside, treated and untreated, the same 2 inside. The Omega data logger collected temperature from the 4 sensors. Big difference was how much heat made it inside. Both roof top sensors were exposed to direct sunlight The wire on untreated aluminum was open, with the majority of the untreated roof shaded by my deck. With the rear uncovered, the heat would have built up even more. The top chart below in this review shows the temperatures on top of the roof. The bottom chart shows temperatures inside the trailer under the roof. Looking at the bottom chart temperature difference between treated and untreated roof inside, is dramatic. Gives your trailer the Quiet feature eliminating the tin can noise with liquid ceramic.  Temp-Coat® has been approved and used by the US Navy and Coast Guard. Temp-Coat® is an innovative and environmentally safe ceramic insulation. Temp-Coat® was first developed for NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration -USA) as an insulated coating for the U.S. Space Shuttle. Its’ success in those applications has brought it to the forefront of commercial, industrial and residential applications. The ceramic coating is light, thin and improves the looks of most trailer roofs. Climb up and look at most brands of horse trailer roofs, looks like 3rd grade applied the sealant. Temp-Coat® has an elastic finish that moves with your roof. Trailer manufactures have constant problems sealing aluminum roofs because of the expansion and contraction of aluminum, causing aluminum stretching around rivets, bolts and sealant. Think about the black streaks that roll down the sides of your aluminum horse trailer. These streaks are cause by the metal surface oxidizing. Temp-Coat® prevents oxygen and condensation from reaching the roof, preventing corrosion. Liquid Ceramic insulation is non toxic, contains no VOC’s and has the PH of water, totally green for the environment.Materials Analytical Services, LLC Certified Green, Temp-Coat® 101. Made from air filled ceramic and silicon beads, impervious to mold and mildew, acoustic dampening barrier and flame retardant. The ceramic coating sticks to almost any surface. |