Back To MrTrailer Featherlite Factory Tour, Ahead of the Curve   Acres of trailers, you could run across the rooftops for miles and end up in a corn field. Featherlite can pump out thousands of trailers a year, from horse trailers, cargo trailers, car haulers, NASCAR race trailers, specialty semi trailers, helicopter pads and portable emergency rooms for events like Katrina. Featherlite was the first aluminum specialty trailer born in 1973 when I was sophomore in high school. It will surprise you just how dominate Featherlite is in big event trailers. The new transferrable warranty program also showcases Featherlite’s commitment to the customer. Featherlite’s eight-year limited warranty now stays with trailers when traded in at a Featherlite dealer for a new Featherlite trailer. Featherlite Trailer Factory Review.  Traveled North of John Deere to Cresco Iowa, in the middle of corn country to see one of the most efficient trailer factories. Everything is streamlined, coordinated and innovative with employees that have stayed with the company for decades. Complex and professional manufacturing, helps with uniformity, trailers built by the same workers for 10-20 and beyond years. Small town values with work ethic. Driving past the corn fields, out of the small town of Cresco, you see world class manufacturing that reminds me of Detroit and the big 3 auto makers computer based efficient plants. I’ve toured many truck plants with their robot welders and sophisticated assembly lines, Featherlite is the most impressive trailer factory I’ve toured. Smooth flowing professional production is the best way I can describe it. Randy Lewis gave me the tour and history lesson of Featherlite from it’s creation in Oklahoma to the move to Iowa and now Featherlite is a division of UTC. Being a valuable part of a larger corporation, adds stability in tough economic times. Featherlite’s parent, Universal Trailer, is the largest trailer company in America and offers Featherlite advantages other companies don’t have. While many trailer companies have gone out of business, Featherlite has increased its commitment to customers, offering them an exciting launch of new trailer models, trailer enhancements and a new generation of “lite-priced” trailers just in the last year. Featherlite is the oldest aluminum trailer manufacturer in the nation.  Trailer manufacturing starts at the bottom. Featherlite is the smoothest blend joining axle sub-frame and aluminum floor frame. This is engineering, every piece has a purpose that connects like fine woodwork. Most trailer companies add axle frames to the floor so they stand out separately. Featherlite axle frames have the same floor I-beams inside and out in a streamlined axle trolley with aluminum stringers in the axle trolley below. Featherlite started the trend in1985 with torsion axles, ahead of the crowd. Better ride than leaf springs and safer.  |  |  |  |  | Acres of axles, ready for the thousands of trailers | Axle jig keeps them straight | Steel axle sub-frame starts on a trolley upside down just like truck manufacturing | One of the few trailer manufactures that blend the floor and axle sub-frame | Takes a big machine to flip over the floor. Better welds when you can move the work |  |  |  |  |  | Floor frame on rails, you can see the floor ribs that channel urine out the rear | Rolling to the next rail | then the bulkhead squares up the front | It’s fun to watch the trailers evolve down the line | Corrugated floor with grooves for holding mats in place and channeling urine |  |  |  |  |  | Wall jigs keeps the uniformity going | Walls fit like a puzzle to the floor | Car trailer on the rail | Efficiently producing small cargo trailers as well | Grommets protect the wire harness running thru the frame | New Model 9405: Compact 1 or 2-horse Featherlite trailer with flip-up rear door and a ramp is just a good looking trailer. Futuristic look with windows up front where they do the most good, wrap around tail lights. A real looker that will get noticed on the road. | Watching small aluminum trailers being built as they go together is a piece of streamlined flowing art. |