Cimarron Custom Horse Trailers. New Thinking, Strength & Beauty! Cimarron Custom Aluminum Horse Trailers made in USA The world is a better place because Henry Ford decided to quit working for Thomas Edison and struck out on his own to invent the first assembly line. Cimarron Trailers carries on the American tradition of starting their own company to prove they can build a better custom progressive horse trailer. While there are older trailer companies stuck in their rut, living off their history, Cimarron is not one of them. Cimarron custom aluminum horse trailers has the combination of folks that weren’t happy resting on laurels. I’ve seen this with many aftermarket companies from air filters to hitches. Energetic entrepreneurs want to improve on products and sometimes have to go out on their own and prove their ideas can work. That’s what Michael Terry did, the president of Cimarron Trailers. Working for many horse trailer manufactures, gave Terry broad manufacturing experience. His vision to build the best horse trailer, drives Cimarron’s remarkable growth that started in 2000. Other key managers as well as the majority of the work force, started with other trailer manufactures. The Chickasha Oklahomaarea is rich with experienced horse trailer workers. Cimarron employees were asked to give their input on trailer design including key extrusions (components). The building philosophy behind Cimarron, is designing the extrusions to fit like Legos. Pre-formed extrusions are designed for more efficient manufacturing.  The t-frames are one piece tail to tongue, with an off-set 3 inches on top and 6 inch on bottom. This allows for lower jams on side doors without cutting the frame and more protection below for water tanks. Each floor joint is double tongue and grooved interlocking with 6 ” centers for a solid strong floor. Floor extrusions have ribs for traction. |  The rear floor extrusion is one piece. It works as a skid plate also. All interlockinglike Lego’s. This makes every trailer uniformly strong, You’ll know you are standing in or looking at a Cimarron just by the solid feel and how well the extrusions fit. |  This is where beautiful sheet metal starts. Aluminum sheets are taped. VHB tape fits in a groove for expansion. Taped walls are easier to repair in a trailer your grandkids can use and keep in the family. No robots here, just professionals doing their job with a sense of satisfaction and pride. Quality horse trailers will last decades like airplanes and tractors. | Beauty is in the details. Check out all the corners. | |   Horse trailers start like cars, upside down. The floor and frame is the staring point, then flipped over and back on the track. It’s fascinating watching skilled craftsmen and craftswomen zipping along. |   | For the popular 8′ wide trailers, special 3X5 framing is boxed in around the axle hole for strength. It’s massive structural integrity. |   | Cimarron Trailers can make a custom trailers to fit anything, even the tall trucks like this C4500. Actually every trailer is custom built. With over 250 options. There aren’t any standard models. Each Cimarrontrailer is custom designed from 250 options making 56 models. There are 4 trailer group packages, the Norstar horse trailers, Winstar combination trailers, Lonestar stock trailers and Transtar cargo trailers. All trailers are custom built from the customers needs, designed between the dealer and Cimarron. The order sheet is the same one use for the customer, dealer and factory. | Welded hinges with grease zerks, even on the drop down doors. Hinge pins are stainless steel. Drop down feed doors are made heavy duty enough to have the feed door latches on the side where they are reachable by us folks less than 6′. |  |       Massive doors are made in-house. The dressing room doors have weather striping recessed in door jam like a car. Does your dressing room door have an adjustable door jam and striker plate? | | Side posts are almost square compared to most trailers rectangular posts this gives you more strength at the same weight. Dividers have an extra frame post in the wall demonstrated to the left by Ben Janssen. Roof rails fit into the side rails, not butt welded. The stall dividers have angled panels for safety, harder to climb. | The roof is 1/2 inch reinforced fiberglass which is strong, cool and quiet. If you ride in the back of a horse trailer with an aluminum roof, you will notice the heat and popping noise of the roof. You will see most future horse trailers going with fiberglass roofs I predict. |  Nice detail around the axle where you won’t even see it. Same way with the tongue on a bumper pull trailer, you won’t see all the detail under the floor, but that’s what quality is about, better built all through the trailer. Also Cimarron’s have a built in trickle charger for the emergency breakaway battery, as checking this battery is a very neglected service schedule for us humans. |   Signature corner, tells you it’s a Cimarron at a glance. The jack handle comes off and stores out of the way inside the neck as it should. Details, details and more details. |  Good looking aluminum or stainless steel fenders, I like this much gap between tires. Keeps them from fighting and throwing nails at each other. |  Cimarron’s ladders are made like your house ladder. I’ve climbed some flimsy trailer ladders and it changes how often you’ll use it. Again it’s the details, like using rungs used in real ladders to make the roof ladders, that set Cimarron’s ahead of the crowd.I have more photo’s below from my tour of Cimarron’s manufacturing facility in Chickasha Oklahoma. It’s interesting watching horse trailers being built. I was there during the popsicle break on a hot June day. |                          Manger    |